Elevate Your Lash Career

Money saving tips and mistakes to avoid when developing as a lash artist. Fundamentals to growing a sustainable career in the lashing industry. Improving client retention, providing a safe and healthy lash application, lash mapping, business and marketing guidance, developing time management, setting the proper service prices, understanding allergies, choosing the right products, client consultation + more!


From a lash artist whose been there and started from square one.

Our 'Quickstart Guide For Lash Artists' is written by a multi certified lash artist and licensed Cosmetologist who has over a decade of hands on experience as a lash artist.

Thousands of repeat services and clients.

Countless costly mistakes and learning experiences.

Just a lash artist looking to help others continue to elevate the lashing industry!

Essential Products
+ Technique

Improve lash retention by avoiding these costly mistakes and choosing the right products

Building a sustainable career

Understand the importance of client consultations, Lash Mapping, Client Comfort + Safety

Business Marketing + Time Management

Save time by balancing client services + business operations

Choose a Pricing Option

The Beautiful Life XO


Providing quality education and experience to beauty professionals